
I don't subscribe to Eastern Flyfishing, but I do to Southwest and Northwest Flyfishing and have since their inception, and I absolutely love those magazines.

Great Articles relevant to where "I" fish, or travel to fish, and specifically about some of the waters I fish.

I don't know about you, but when I read the other rags that I get that are about places I may never fish, I quickly peruse the article's and finish the mag,then just throw it on the pile, but when it's about home waters or area's close by, or stuff I actually fish or want to fish, I read with a heightened interest.

When we are preparing to go on a trip, all of us try and get as much information as we can so we can be prepared.

Just because a magazine "Pimps" out a stream (Vocelli, I mean no disrespect, I hope I'm interpreting pimp the way you meant it) doesn't mean that it's going to ruin your favorite fishin hole.

When you inquire or share about a place on this board or any board on the intranet, how many people do you think read the replies, or permanently placed articles? You can literally find out information on just about any place on earth you want to fish from your computer, it's truly a small world today!.

If your stream or lake is a featured location in a magazine, it may see some increased pressure for a while, usually it's more from locals that didn't know about the place, than from people flying in from all over the country to fish your "Secret" place.

I know when I see that they are featuring a location I fish or have been wanting to go to, I get really excited and can't wait to read about it. You never know I just might learn something I didn't know about the place , or that helps me plan for a future trip. It might actually convince me to quit putting off that trip I've been saying I'd like to do there.

I read for both knowledge and entertainment purposes, I get both from these two magazines. High quality magazine, appeasing layout, great article's relevant to "MY" part of the country and some pretty fantastic photography to boot.

What's our other choice, "Field & Stream" Hahahahaha!!!

Just my .02 worth!!!