
The term 'integrated line', at least in all usages that I have seen and heard, refers to a shooting head factory joined (integrated) with either a floating or intermediate shooting line. Traditional shooting heads are looped, spliced, or otherwise joined with a shooting line by the anglers. I believe Jim Teeny produced the first integrated line.

An integrated line will typically have a 24-32 foot shooting head portion with the back taper ending about where the shooting head transitions to the shooting line.

Whereas as standard shooting system give the angler more flexibility, such has the ability to easily switch between heads of different sink rates on the same reel as conditions dictate, many anglers find integrated lines to be quicker and easier to dealy with since they don't need to build their own connections.

Sink tips are typically 20 feet or less but have a standard WF taper.

[This message has been edited by tailingloop (edited 03 March 2006).]