I guess I must live in the dark ages.
When the author refers to sinking lines, he is talking about what I call intergrated lines.
To me a sinking line would be what is sometimes called a "full sinking" lines.
I have read many times over that full sinking lines are hard to cast and must be striped in further before the pick up and back cast.
I own and use many sizes and sink rates of sinking lines and have never had these problems.
In fact in some cases, like when it is very breezy, I find a sinking line easier to cast.
Sometimes when I really want my fly to go down I even add a LC-13 lead head. Don't forget to duck!
Full sinking lines seem to be on the verge of being fazed out in favor of the much more expensive intergrated lines. I wonder why??
This is a shame because the knock on full sinking lines is unfounded.