
Some of the foam sheets you see at Michaels and other craft stores, and especially those smaller sheets you see at fly shops, while labeled 'closed cell' (and even though they probably are technically so) can absorb water. I found this out from experience. I'm not sure if it's the cutting of it, or what, but they can become waterlogged over time.

Easy fix, though. I just dip them in waterproofer (same stuff I use for dry flies and deer hair bugs) when the body/indicator/fly/whatever is complete. Just to be sure. If you are going to paint/seal the outer surface, as on a painted popper or hooper or such, then it doesn't need the WP treatment.

As to 'making' foam indicators. Those foam strip indicators that inspired this article are poor examples and, frankly, if you want that type of indicator you'd be better served with poly yarn.

But if you really want some, they are easy to make. Buy a couple of foam sheets and some 'O' rings. Get good sized rings, that makes it easier to get the foam strips through them. About 5/16-3/8 id is about right. Cut the foam into 1/8 inch strips. Cut the strips into four inch lengths (or whatever 1/4 of the total sheet length is). You need them sort of long so that you can hold/stretch them easily. Gather together twenty strips (more or less depending on the size indicator you want-play with it until you like the bouyancy). Use whatever color or combination of colors you like.

Load your bobbin with some strong thread. I always used C & C Bobbin thread when I made these. Thread the strips of foam through the 'O' ring.

Place one edge of the 'O' ring into your vise and clamp the laws on it. Fold the foam strips around one edge of the ring. Even the tips of the foam strips and pull them tightly away from the vise. This will stretch the 'O' ring and should also flatten and compress the foam strips where they wrap around the ring. The tricky part is now you have to maintatin the tension and get some tight thread wraps onto the foam right where it intersects the ring. (If you are seious about making a bunch of these, you can build a tool to hold the strips stretched out while you wrap them with the thread). Once you get the thread started to where the foam won't slip, you can let go and finish wrapping some thread to lock the foam in place and flare it. A 1/8 inch tight thread collar is about right. Whip finish and use head cement on the thread.

Trim the foam to the length you want.

Make sure the cement is completely cured. Waterproof it.

You can also make laminated foam indicators by glueing sheets of foam together, punching out cylinders from it, and shaping them into a cone. These are higher floating and will give you an easier indicator to 'read'. They do require the use of glues and some tooling to accomplish.

Good Luck!
