You've got me started now, I've been reading through Tom Stewarts book since I posted
and it is full of really great fishing anecdotes. I have had my copy for many years but I always find something interesting evey time I pick it up. Trout,sea-trout or salmon aways a great read.

As for the "Sweeney Todd", it was invented in the 1960s by Richard Walker and Peter Thomas as a stillwater 'lure', here is their recipe.

Sweeney Todd
Hook: Longshank 6 to 14.
Tying silk: Black.
Body: Black floss.
Rib: Flat silver tinsel>
Throat: Two or three turns of DF Neon Magenta wool tied behind the wing roots.
Wing: Black squirrel-tail for the smaller sizes, black bucktail for the larger.
Beard hackle: Crimson hackle fibres.

Richard Walker stated that if he was restricted to one stillwater fly, this was it.
It has also been a popular sea-trout fly.