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Thread: CFC October Caddis

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  1. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    White Bear Lake MN

    Default Iridescent October Caddis

    At the 2003 Idaho Fish-In, I dressed some Iridescent October Caddis pattern by Ronn Lucas Sr.!

    Found them very effective, and even dress a variation with a bit of pale yellow yarn (that I borrowed from Al Campbell, who was tying across from me in the Rumpus Room), for Montana Moose to try out!

    I watched the female October Caddis on the Locha and Selway in the early evening hours, as they lay their eggs in the water. The females did a crash landing on the water surface to dislodge the eggs, then instantly lift off the water to do another crash landing on the water close by. So I use that demonstration for my casting the October Caddis. It worked, the Cutthroats, Rainbows and Cut-bows where striking immediately as the fly pattern hit the water.

    This Ronn Lucas Sr. pattern is not available on FAOL you can find it at


    Hook: TMC, 200R, size 10.

    Tail: Optional squirrel tail.

    Butt: Optional squirrel tail.

    Body: Rear 1/3 rust iridescent dubbing, next 1/8" Burgundy iridescent dubbing,
    front 1/3 purple iridescent dubbing.

    Ribs: Fine copper wire, tied in from in body.

    Hackle: Dark Dun, tied in about 3/16' to 1/4" from eye, two turns.

    Wings: Dark deer or elk mane.

    Antennae: Stripped dark brown hackle stems.

    Note: Ronn Lucas Sr. no longer sells the Iridescent Dubbing listed in the material listing. I bought most of the remaining stock that Ronn Lucas had, so I am willing to share the three Irridescent Dubbing colors called for in the pattern, with members of FAOL who which to dress a few of this pattern. There is no charge for the material and I will pay the postage, just email me at I will send enough material for 3 or 4 flies, with what I have left. ~Parnelli
    Last edited by Steven McGarthwaite; 09-30-2010 at 01:54 PM. Reason: Speel Chex

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