Well Mr. Newton, let me puff up my chest and set my jaw and look you square in the eye and tell you why… I got nothing… I guess I might buy a new rod if I had more of a chance to cast one or a better response would be; I might be more motivated to adjust my priorities to buy a new rod if I had more of a chance to cast one.

I recall the first time I cast (casted?) a brand new state of the art Sage rod, man was it nice. Nice enough that I gave every consideration with the exception of telling my wife that I was going out to the car to get my wallet to buy it.

Now having said that going to a “single” store (fly shop) to cast all the rods that I would consider buying new dose not exist. Not near to me anyhow and lets face it when you go to a store to consider something it is called “shopping”. Shopping, this is what I have to say about shopping; the shorts and t-shirt I am wearing now… I have no idea where or who they came from (a chill just ran down my back, an old girlfriend could have bought these; I have been married 16 years) (another thought just occurred to me with a good lawyer I could be getting out in 2 years) So, I digress

Go cast a new rod you might be intrigued. I was, I didn’t but I was thinking, who needs breaks the horn is plenty loud.

Oh yeah, with my chest puffed and jaws set and looking you square in the eye; I have never bragged about my golf equipment but other people have. No one likes to get out driven with a persimmons wood these days. Sad to say I had to replace them. 340 yards is my record to date. Just ask Miss Crabtree, why she would know the exact yardage from the 14th tee to her coffee table in her living room is beyond me. Her mood mellowed when the guys from my foursome showed up and asked if she was going to let me play it from there or take a drop.

Now what the heck were we talking about…