Hi All,

This evening I finally got to get out for an hour or a bit more this evening. Fished the Lake Meridith stilling basin. It is hard to fish, lots of cat tails around about 2/3rds of the bank. I did fish from the fishing dock for a while.

The ant did not go, nor did an olive and orange.

Just about dark I saw a hex spinner on the water, and a few in the air. The one in the water was a flourescent yellow. No spinners were in my box, but I did have some hex dries, so I put one on. By then it was dark, and mosquitoes were coming in in waves. I have a small flashlight in the box, so fired it up, but the batteries were pretty weak so it took quite a while to tie on the fly and treat it with fly float.

Finally I got the fly onto the water. Fish were breaking water, but I couldn't see any hexes, and the swirls were small like small fish taking midges or something similar. Every once in a while you would see a bigger swirl, but not many.

By casting toward the west, you could see the fly as a dark spot on the water against the light color water where the sky was reflected. Finally, a swirl, and I set the hook. I couldn't really feel much of a fish, but there seemed to be one on. After a bit I landed the monster, and only fish of the trip. Cool, a 5 or 6 inch channel cat on a #6 or #8 hex dry.

Maybe I may be able to get out on Saturday morning for a bit, it remains to be seen.

At least, fishing, and a fish!

