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Thread: Youngster wants to start tying

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  1. #14


    Those little kits that come with a vise & tools contained in a wooden 'chess set' style box (no materials), are perfect for beginners. No, they aren't top-of-the-line, but that's the point. Children don't need top quality kits. Get them started. If they use it for a couple of months then forget about it, you'll only be out $30 or so. If they get 'hooked' on fly tying, it will last them until they are ready to decide what they really want & need.

    I bought one for myself and I love it. It is a great travel kit. I have a Renzetti, but I like these little kits because they pack so well & I don't have to worry about them on the road (Theft, damage & so on).

    And you don't want a kit that comes with materials. I paid $80 (in the 1980's!) for my first kit, and I still have many materials I've never touched from it.

    As far as patterns go, start simple. A size 10 foam spider with rubber legs will catch fish and be satisfying for a young tyer.
    Let the boy decide what he wants to tie. If it's not too complicated, do it. It doesn't even matter if it catches fish. He'll be proud of himself for making it. (It will almost surely catch fish though.)

    If you start with flies he doesn't want to tie, he won't like tying them and may get turned off.

    I'm sure he has an imagination. Turn it loose on the vise. Get a vise for yourself, and sit together and learn together.

    My first vise was a cheapie, and it lasted for years & thousands of flies. By the time it wore out, I knew what I wanted in a 'permanent' vise.

    Grab some EVA foam (Craft foam available at Wal-Mart, let him pick the colors), Some thread, a few #10 hooks, & some rubber legs.
    eBay has lots of those kits. Get one or two and starting having fun! (Maybe even get him to tie up some Black spiders to scare the girls with, hee hee)

    All of these materials will be on eBay too, if that's where you like to shop (I do!)...

    Last edited by lepomac; 08-02-2010 at 06:09 AM.
    NEVER sneeze into your fly box!


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