
When my very close friend Eric died a couple of years ago, I went to his memorial service. Many people spoke of what Eric had accomplished; personally, professionally, as a fly tier and fisherman. When I took my turn, I commended those memories and then took a different perspective. I suggested that we were each blessed to have had a part of our lives formed anew, in a special way, because Eric had taken an interest in spending time with us. He would challenge someone's faith in a gentle way. He would lovingly tell you that you were on a wrong path, either physically or mentally, if he disagreed with your behavior. He'd call on the phone just to say hello because he truly cared about you. He'd stop and see me at work to laugh about me working and him going to the river... We were all blessed by his influence. We are better people, better fly fishers, better parents and better spouses because of Eric's influence. Today, I still miss him and yet I am not sad. I maintain the tradition that he started with me of having one cold beer at the end of a day fishing to honor his memory. He was a great man and blessed my life.

Please "celebrate" Linemender's life as TT suggested or as I have described how I do with Eric's memory.

Best Regards....