Ah yes, the poison ivy. I get it pretty easily. Every time I use the weed-whacker, some times that I just mow the lawn, even once (on my legs) while wearing waders (explain that one!). I've had poison ivy in mid-February with 8" of snow on the ground, got it during a week of vacation at the beach, with no poison ivy in sight, and even on a ski trip. I get it so easily that I've pretty much given up on trying to avoid it, and just kind of accept it as a necessary evil of having fun in the outdoors. A new spot of it showed up on my right forearm a few days ago...the 4th or 5th case of it this summer. Oh well. Stinging nettle is some nasty stuff too. If I'm bare-legged, I will reroute my path to the stream to avoid a thick patch.

Bamboozle & others: if you run afoul of stinging nettle, look around for some jewelweed. Crush up the stems of the plant and rub it on the affected area. It will temporarily help relieve the pain, itch, and burn of nettle...usually long enough for you to get in the water.