Quote Originally Posted by appalachian angler View Post
If you can afford to, I would by an American made pair of SIMMS. They have a much more diverse range of sizes, and they are very rugged. I have a Pair of the new "headwaters" waders and they are very lightweight overall with a good measure of re-inforcement in the knee/shin area. They are a perfect fit and I am very pleased with them. Worth the extra $$$!

One of the keys to breathable wader longevity is Proper fit as previously mentioned, and a good drying routine between uses. I like to hang mine outside for a day upon returning from fishing. I hang them under the eve on my front porch, out of direct sunlight. Once dry, I hang them up on the back of my bedroom door, fully extended. That way they are not constantly being creased from laying folded in a bag somewhere. As air circulates in you home, they stay dry and supple. I learned this from a good friend that has always done this routine, and is currently on his 7th season on a pair of Hodgeman "Wadelights".

I fully agree with hanging waders instead of folding them up when not in use. I highly recommend that one not hang waders up by their suspenders for long periods as the rubber can be permanently stretched. Use a clothes line clips or suspend them up side down instead