As you stated in your post, "this behavior is no longer the case". To make the snap observation about the race of a person, based solely on previous behavior of others, IS racist, whether a person believes it to be so or not. I have read more than my share of stories of game wardens, and court dockets, it's kinda a hobby or mine. Usually the people on the dock for Fish and Game violations are a cross-section of the local humanity. Including me, when I had a misunderstanding with the fish laws (It was a legitimate misunderstanding, I was cleared), and I am white.

Hmong people are here because they chose to support the US by sheltering and assisting our troops during the Vietnam War, thereby insuring that they would be exterminated by the North Vietnamese when we pulled out of their country. I think that rates them a little compasssion when dealing with the inevitable culture clashes. If the corner has been turned, and the Hmong people have learned new ways, then more power to them.

I still maintain that the rest of us need to come to the same understanding abou them, and not come to snap judgements, about any people. This is I believe the point of your post, as you effectively prove at with your citations. I just can't understand why you cite those sources, showing that only isolated recent incidents cause problems, and still not consider a snap judgement to be racist in nature?