Welcome to the board Albasurf. I understand your concern for the planet and that is all good. If you don't find something used that fits your needs, these beginner outfits from Cabela's are on sale right now. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/te...907&hasJS=true You can can fish these for a while and enjoy the hobby. Remember that you are not buying your last rod, just your next rod. I am looking at your location of Iowa. If you are after trout, bass, panfish I would recomend the 5 wt over the 8 wt. For a first all around rod in your area, the 5 would problably suit your needs unless you target larger fish like carp then a 7 or 8 might be better for your situation.

Good luck and when you have more questions about the hobby this is a great place to be.