Clarification on my posting, the devices that Kevin Costner spent 24 million dollars on, over 15 years, are not for removing the surface crude oil. His devices are submerged beneath the surface for that large mass of crude oil that is suspended beneath the surface. All he is asking, if they work as they were designed to do, is have BP (British Petroleum) to cover the cost of the devices operation, he is not charging anything for the use of the equipment, and will not profit from his offer. Similar to someone loaning you their garden hose if your house was on fire....

In WWII many ships where sunk by the German Submarines, many of them tankers, so as bad as this one spill is, we have had worst oil spills in the past. The United States also sunk many tanker ship, carring crude oil to Japan from South East Asia, to cripple the Japanese Naval Forces.