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Thread: Thinner for Dave's Flexament?

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  1. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Katy, Texas (Houston is our biggest suburb!)
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    Let me address two previous points:

    First, Xylene is the less reactive of the two compounds, Toluene and Xylene. They are two of the three organic solvent 'sisters', here listed in decreasing rank of chemical reactivity, and therefore, hazard level: Benzene; Toluene; and, Xylene.

    Parnelli makes a good point, but it is an egregious case of overkill! It's like: First hit the bunker with a 500 lb bomb, then follow up with a flame thrower. Next toss in a grenade or two just for back-up; then go in with guns blazing, just in case there were any survivors. If one puts a Toluene soaked rag or paper towel in a bag and deeply inhales the fumes. a la 'glue-sniffers, you will get a high, and if you do this with regularity and over enough time, you can experience permanent lung and brain damage. Xylene potentially can have the same effect, but being less reactive, it takes more of it over a longer period of time to evoke it's effects. As a graduate student, officed in an old WW II 'unfinished' and un-air-conditioned barracks building, I 'lived' with Xylene for seven years in a 8' X 12' office/lab and have suffered NO ill effects, then or now; some 40 years post said exposure. I also used other organic solvents, as needed, in this same environment during the same time period. If either of these solvents were as dangerous as Parnelli contends, they would NOT be readily available in the open market! Just use common sense with it (I know, this is the ultimate oxymoron!) in the house and you should have absolutely no problems.

    Frank S. BA, MS, PhD
    Invertebrate Pathologist/Parasitologist/Marine Fisheries Biologist
    Academia/Industry Retired
    Last edited by aged_sage; 05-11-2010 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Typos

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