Quote Originally Posted by RodWest View Post
You have not exactly explained why you want to take a school, fill in the blanks, not sure what you mean. Orvis schools and FFF schools are excellent. I am an instructor, have been for well over 20 years. I teach from beginners to advanced. If you called a qualified instructor and explained what you want to accomplish any good instructor would customize to meet your needs, evaluate your skill level and advance from there.
Well said.

Except for very few individuals, every fly fisher can improve from proper instruction. I am one who believes that fishing alone can improve some skills such as reading water, wading, fighting fish. But other skills such as casting, specialty nymphing, mending, curve casting, knowing what cast to use and when to use them are better taught by instruction and practice.

Golf and fly fishing have a lot in common in that regard. Even the best golfers practice before, during, and between tournaments. My belief is that you have about as much chance of becoming a great golfer by just golfing without practice and instruction as a fly fisher has of becoming a great fly fisher by just fishing. I also believe that to become better you need proper instruction. Otherwise you are just reinforcing your mistakes.

To improve, you need to practice properly; to practice properly, you need proper instruction.