Wow, not quite the response I expected at first. Guess I should clarify my motives a bit. I've been fly fishing for years, got my first tying kit when I was 12 or 13, first fly rod 6 months after. I'm 21 now, and entirely self taught. Believe me when I say I've read more than enough on fly fishing in general to bump me out of the beginner bracket. But you can't learn everything by reading. I know there are plenty of ways to get casting/fishing tips. Hire a guide, go get a casting lesson at the local shop, fish-ins, just ask for help from local members. I asked about the Orvis school because there happens to be one not to far away that has a session shortly after my finals/birthday so I figured it might be a nice kick-off to my summer break. I was just curious if anyone has any experience with them. The cost isn't bad for 2 days of instruction that might fill in any blanks I've missed over the years, but they sound like complete intro/beginner schools so I was hoping to hear if anyone with some experience attended one and thought it was worthwhile. The fact that Orvis is "all about money" doesn't seem entirely true when you look at the gear they produce but I guess it could be true on the schooling end since I don't have any experience with it. Maybe if some other companies focused on good business management on top of customer service and quality products they'd still be around. That's a discussion for a thread in the SOUND OFF forum though. I'm just asking if people think the schools are worth it.