MM, no problem...just wanted to make sure the insurance companies didn't raise your rate even after stating they wouldn't. I don't even know if my insurance even covers loss while traveling.

Scott, yeah, I've seen some of the those videos too. Doesn't that look like a blast?? That's actually what I had hoped to do when I got down from the beaches for Roosters. I contacted a couple guides, they were...a bit pricey, given we'd be fishing from shore. Plus, the cheaper one was like 1.5 hour drive from where I was staying, and I didn't really want to add the expense of a rental car on top of that, so I gave up that idea. Probably would have been a different story if I'd gone there specifically to fish, but since it was a Spring Break family vacation, this worked out well enough for all of us.

The only other fish I saw caught from boats in the area was a few Sierra. Normally the bigger boats head out and find Striped Marlin readily, but they weren't finding any...or at least no concetrations of fish...anywhere last week, from what I was able to hear.