One more post, and I'll quit.

It is possible I have mis-understood your question, and that you are a fly-fisher, and merely wanted input as to the ultimate meaning of the term.

Bad news (for you)! Fly Fishing is different things to different people. If you are a fly-fisher....look into your heart. There are no clear cut answers. For some, it is a pass-time (although I would argue that they are not being honest...there are cheaper and easier pass-times), for others, (me included) is is a therapy from the ravages of war, divorce, the loss of a loved one, becomming one with nature, consolation for things not accomplished (yet), and many other things. It is Orvis's version of Tai Chi, it is yoga with waders, it is Bushido with bamboo and is ballet with Osthiechthyes.......

There have been numerous books written on the subject, and all of them merely scratch the surface. My best advise is to look into your heart...and do your best to impart that to others.....

Semper Fi!

[This message has been edited by Gigmaster (edited 26 January 2006).]