How are you going to teach Fly Fishing if you don't know what is is ?! I mean, I've heard the old joke about those who can do, Do... the others teach......
But this is the real thing, and much too important to muck around with. I have many friends who are teachers, and one of their favorite jokes is when a man applied for a job as a teacher in a rural school, the Chairman of the School Board asked him... "Do you believe the world is flat?".....
And the prospective teacher replied " It Doesn't matter...I can teach it either way..."

If you are not at least familiar with the basic physical techniques ( ie; be able to demonstrate, yourself), then I submit you are not qualified to teach this subject. And the philosophical ramifications (which to me, are paramount) cannot be ignored.

I teach guitar, piano and voice (which I make my living at as a performer and a the real world) to students at the local schools, and adults, when I'm not on the road performing. But I would not try to teach someone to play the saxophone (which I do not play) or to sing opera (ditto...thankfully) because I don't understand the nuances involved. I would do a poor job of teaching those subjects, and my students deserve better!

If you are not a fly-fisher yourself, then you're not fit to teach it to someone else, except to tell them where to find a bonafide teacher. It's much too important of a life-lesson to do otherwise...

Just my opinion, for what it's worth.....

Semper Fi, and good luck!

[This message has been edited by Gigmaster (edited 26 January 2006).]