Quote Originally Posted by bjames View Post
I am tying down to size 26 for a trip to the San Juan River (New Mexico) where small flies are a must. If I feel I need smaller (down to 32), I buy them at one of the fly shops along the river. [URL]h.
Size 22 is as small as I have needed to go for the SanJuan (NewMexico), Frying Pan, Blue, Taylor (Colorado), BigHorn (Montana), Green (Utah).
This has been my favorite midge/micro pattern for the past 6 years. I tie it in many different colors in sizes 22-16. Gray has been very good to me here in Colorado, while Chocolate has been my best producer on the San Juan. Red seems to be a universal color and catches fish anywhere. Like the topic of this post it is very simple and easy to tie.
Add micro fibbets or Mallard breast feathers as a tail and you get an instant baetis nymph/emerger.

Whats really fun is going to these famous tail waters where micro flys are the "norm" and dead drifting some of these size 6 Buggers with 1x leaders and pounding the fish. Yes, nymphing these huge flys not stripping them. If anyone asks what the fish are hitting tell them. You know they are calling BULL on you under their breath.