Are you going to chase carp with that 3 wt? Sorry guys inside joke. I have caught them on my 3 wt and it is a riot.

My only comment is about rod length and small streams. If you are under 9' tall and you are standing in a stream that is only a few feet across and it's July or Aug and the weeds are close to as tall as you are while you are walking on the ground, now stand in the water 3' deep and cast a 6 1/2' rod. I'm exhaugerating everything of course, but I think there is a place for a 9/' rod on even a very small stream. If you have a ton of overhead stuff that might be a different story. I just find that my cast gets stuck in the tall grass if I try the short rods later in the season.

I guess the real answer is more rods! I like that.