Quote Originally Posted by Jim Sentell View Post
I use Peacock Herl in a lot of flies I tie and get aggravated when I see a pattern being tied on YouTube or elsewhere. The Peacock Herl looks so brilliant and colorful. Mine is sort of dull looking, even in the sunlight.

While perusing a well-known fly shop's catalog, I noticed a statement in the description of their Peacock Herl, "we clean all our herl for you before we send it out..blah, blah..."

Have any of you heard of "cleaning peacock herl" and if so, how do you do it?

Thanks, Jim
Jim: It appears that you may have stumped FAOL's herl experts (lol). Could you query the "well known fly shop" and ask them? If you find out I would like to know and I would guess others would also.

Thanks, Tim