Quote Originally Posted by Cold View Post
In that case, I'd go with the 2X longs.

You can always tie a standard length nymph on a dry hook.

You cannot always shorten a long pattern to fit on a standard length hook. Beadheads come to mind.
I like the way you think. You have stated exactly what I had in mind before I posted this thread!

I was already leaning toward the S82 for the reasons you gave, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else shared the same ideas.

I think Mustad was wise to lengthen the S82, and I love the micro-barbs (on all the new hooks). They make it so much easier to work with beads.
Maybe the 'B' in S82-3906B stands for 'Beadheads', if not, it should.

I think the signature hooks are a big improvement, and eventually everyone will prefer them over the classics (They're so much sharper too). I look forward to stocking up on them, and of course FISHING them, if the 20 inches of ice ever melts out here in Nebraska!

I knew I could count on the FAOL members for their input.

I'll be a sponsor of this great site as soon as possible.
