Hey Blue Gill..

Lets talk sometime...

Im trying to become a guide myself.. Im not really on the White river.. but a part of it, Taneycomo...

What I have found out is (if anyone want to correct me they are more then welcome!!)

1st.. Money has to be very important to start..
2nd.. I believe you need the be a certifed casting instector.. your going to have alot of people who cant cast
3rd.. If you going to use a drift I dont think you need a CCL (Coast Gaurd Lis.) but if you use a boat with a moter you need one. from what I hear that it seft takes abot $1000.. and its in St.Louis (I believe)
4th.. Insurance is a b**ch.. from what I hear locally all guide (in the drift boats) carries a 1mil Ins policy (just in case of a death or a personal injury)
5th.. alot to more add but not enough time..

Here is my Email addy lkeeney@earthlink.net=LKEENEY

shoot me an email or give me a call (417-779-8061).. I wont be around today or tomorrow.. but should be home all day Sunday..Lets Talk.. maybe we can help each other get started..

[This message has been edited by Leonard (edited 20 January 2006).]