I am with Gemrod on this one! I cannot look at the messages without getting a splitting headache. I know how to adjust my monitor manually but will not do that just for one site. Please dump the white back ground. A darker backgound with whtie or brighter lettering gives just as good as contrast and will not cause the eye fatique and physical pain that this scheme does.

For Pete's sake what is up with the teeny weenie fonts on the reply to thread page? Combined with the blaringly bright backgroud this taxes my 20/15 Hazel peepers to the max and is a real issue for me at least. If I can't change the color scheme and the fonts that are smaller than the head on a size 26 BWO (yes I know how to zoom my monitor) then I too shall be gone from the site.

Why don't you guys run Beta or trial versions of these so you can get our opinions before making the changes?