I know I would get bored and would generally fish other flies most of the time. I would probably fish the "one" on rare occasions though. I know this because on many occasions, after catching a few fish, I'll often change flies to try something else. It's like, once you think you've "solved it for the day", wheres the fun? I admit, catching fish is fun, I enjoy the tug on the line, I can get frustrated with myself if I go for long periods on good looking water without a strike, but in the end, I really like trying to work out what will catch fish, and I'm curious to find out how many different ways one can catch fish (nymph, wet, dry, etc) on the same water, and with how many different patterns. The "one" would end up being set aside as a "I know this works, how about ..." type thing. If I was getting no hits, I might use it to ensure there were fish around though.

- Jeff