Quote Originally Posted by Jack Hise View Post
One thing about this Fish-In. No one is left to thier own devices. The regulars go all out to see that the first timers learn thier way around and get in some good fishing.

At least 12 of us will be staying at Gate's lodge which is one of the jumping off spots for the days fishing. The Coffee is always hot and if we are really lucky Joe "The Dough God" will feed us 'from scratch' English Muffens!!

Last year record lows were set for the area, 36 one morning (but about 80 by noon)!! So pack for anything!!

For us civilized fishermen (read old guy's) the best fishing is around 9 am. There are some of us that like to hit it in the evening with flys the size of B52's looking for the big Browns!

Looking forward to fishing with you!
Are you talking about these?

Turned them into these Eggs Benedict , that were approved by Jack...