Yes, there are times/places where the rigid inflatable...kayak, raft, or anything not the best choice. Heavy densities of large predators ranks high on that list. I was just duck hunting out of it this past week for 2 days in some very gnarly wilderness country. I have an awesome camo cover for it that turns it nearly invisible and provides great protection from wind and rain. Only makes it a tad bit more difficult to portage, too.

Oh you are so right about sleeping in the boat! Even just taking a needed break now and then, you can't find a more comfortable way to do it whether floating or beached.

And since the thing packs into a duffle bag and I live in an apartment, no worries about leaving it outside. The sun and wind-driven dust of El Paso and New Mexico are eating the paint off of my truck (actually, everyone's vehicles) after a year. I try not to leave anything outside.