Quote Originally Posted by Mike Thomas View Post
Sorry to hear its cold for you guys! I spent yesterday on the Kawhia Harbour fishing for Snapper and had a ball, the sun was shining, a gentle westerly breeze and temps up around the 27c, plenty of sun screen and lots of fish! mmm snapper for tea tonight.
Not fly fishing, the strong ripping currents on the Kawhia mean sinkers of up to 28oz, kind of hard to get down with a fly line!!
All the best.
I am not sorry. I hated living in the land where there is little or no change of seasons. I actually like the cold and snow. We have plenty of heritage and special regulation trout waters open year round in addition to a lot of ice fishing opportunities.

Winter also presents some really unique and challenging opportunities for the outdoor photographer that cannot be found in regions that lack snowfall. I feel sorry for those who have never seen the beauty of a snowmobile ride on a clear, frosty winter night through pine trees draped with snow and across the frozen fields.