That is some nice eye candy. His prices are not out of line for a custom made guitar. I don't know much about what mandolins and violins but his guitar prices are "in the range".

I have an old beater (actually the first guitar I ever owned) that I've done a ton of work to get to the point it will play, I also have my Ovation that I take along on camping and fishing trips although I have started not taking that one out as much. My dad bought that guitar for me when I graduated from high school and that guitar and I have a lot of miles together.

I may need another guitar to take camping and fishing as I start to retire the Ovation. I think I will check the Epi out. I've also been looking at a couple Seagull guitars, but they are a bit expensive for a campfire guitar.

I did, on Christmas Eve, play an outstanding guitar that I can't get out of my mind. It was a Martin HD-16A. It has the HD-28 trimmings with a V neck and an Adirondack spruce top. I want that guitar so bad. It's $2,200 and I'm not sure how I can sneak THAT past the wife.
