Just take only one rod/reel with you to the river and leave the rest at the hotel. All you need is a 9' 4 or 5wt rod. Or a 6wt if you think you will be chucking big streamers (double bunnies, and big sculpin patterns will root out big Browns on this river). Any time of year can be productive on any given day. Right now, it is pretty much unfishable because of the excess of water in the lake above. TVA is generating and spilling water. May is a good time to come when the lakes around here are stable and at "summer pool" and the generation is minimal and consistant. Also it is the time of the heightened sulpher hatches. CDC comparaduns for dries and pheasant tail softhackles with a touch of orange in the thorax are the ticket for the emerging bugs (most fish will be feeing in or just below the film). Let us know when you will be coming and we (I) will tune you in alittle more.
