Quote Originally Posted by Bigdadyrods View Post
If you guys can't live without texting, then you should re-think about the world around you. The phone companys have you right where they want you and you're falling into the wireless trap of sucking money out of you. What would your bill be if you didn't have texting?? Wanna save money?? call and be short about it....
If you're spending that kind of cash on phones and texting,--wow. I can't imagine that. What kind of money are you making to spend that on phones?? Lets be REAL honest here. You don't NEED a phone to do this. You WANT a phone to do this. NEEDS and WANTS. Anyone that has been bringing up kids in this world understands exactly what I just said.

I use a small grocery store near me and found a young man texting while stocking shelves. Thought it was pretty stupid and then I sat back and watched him. He texted about once for every 3 cans stocked. Imagine how many cans he would stock if he had that phone turned off?
I went back two days later and saw him again. Doing the same thing. Decided to ask him a question on where the marachino cherries were. He said---"give me a minute" as he was answering a text. Talked with the manager. Seems that young man was told before about his excessive use of his cellphone. I know he was told to eithre keep his phone in the car or find another store to work in.

Steve and I talk about once every two weeks on the phone. We have a small luxury of spending a few cents to do this. We cut our selves short on conversations because we realize--time is money. If he's talking to me, he isn't producing and if he isn't producing, he isn't making money. Same goes for other employees while working. If you worked for me and you had the time to do that while working, we would have a short conversation. I can understand having short conversations dealing with family and friends while working but you need to keep that on a very low priority.
I bet most are now thinking---boy,glad he isn't my boss. Then you think this is ok to do at work. What is it hurting. I have time....---til you're in charge and you have to answer for low productivity.
OK so your not doing this til you're off work. Fine. Now what, text while you're driving instead??? I don't think the hospitals need more patients right now----oh wait, their texting friends saying I got a guy lying here on the gurney bleeding--not much new--TTYL

Gotcha Steve---I'm with ya. and what the heck were you telling me you're buying those spoiled rotten kids again????
Well... cell phones are a NEED for my parents and i think I'm in the WANT category... but im not spoiled!

My mom 's job requires networking which requires her to call and receive calls almost 24/7 counseling all of her clients and such..

My dad works @ a wholesale warehouse for car stereo & accessories so he's constantly on the move taking orders & doing deliveries in and about the warehouse.
They need it for business.

For me, I never asked for a phone but my parents got me my phone to keep in touch with each other. Because they were always out of the house, coming home really late, not being able to have a meal together for almost everyday of the year excluding major holidays even if we lived under the same roof. Saturdays they worked and I had to help manage school clubs. Sundays they rested and I went to church. During the weekdays, I had AP classes everyday for 4 years during high school @ 7am so i had to wake up @ 5:30 and get out of the house by 6am to catch the bus to school. My parents always thought bad of themselves for not being able to take care of me but i realized early what they were going through for me and always thanked them when ever i could. When i got into college with my first commute car and before I got sick, I use to do all the house chores, errands for my parents ,mostly delivering stuff around town & banking, dropping&picking up my sister to&from school which to me having a cell phone is more convenient but not necessarily a NEED but not necessarily a WANT either. SO now I've come to realize that it really depends on what you use your phone for which then determines your Need VS Want. Am i making any sense here?... It's 6:13am here and i'm half asleep so sorry for the long blah that i just wrote here.

and just saying... please don't judge my parents parenting. Just because they think and do things different doesn't mean that they are bad parents nor just spoiling their kids. Why did i say that? I'll be going to bed now.