Hey Deanna,

I like Turkey and all the fixins and maybe turkey left overs the next day. After that it's turkey overload. With just the two of us, a turkey is just too much. We found that out this year with a 10 pound bird. We hadn't done Thanksgiving since Grandpa Noah crossed over.

Your gift ideas are terrific, but your preaching to the choir. Us flyflingers know what to get someone else...something we'd like to have. That's how I buy VEE's gifts. If I want it, It's a sure bet she'll love it.

Our members need to take your article, print it out and leave it in several places where loved ones and co-workers are sure to find it. Maybe make some pencil notes in the margins about what books they've been wanting to buy, or what reel makes the eyes light up. That kind of thing. If our loved ones and coworkers are even halfway observant, chances are we flyflingers could be on the recieving end of some great gifts this year.

Anyone need a sweatshirt with the "Way to a fisherman's heart is through his fly" saying on it. I was given one a couple years ago by a well meaning friend. No takers...it's in the morning trash.