Quote Originally Posted by flyguy66 View Post
I'm all for helping out a bro and all of these excuses are valid explanations of common reasons why companies don't answer emails in a timely fashion, but...

In this day and age, any company interested in doing international business has no excuse for blocking foreign email domains. Furthermore, n company interested in staying in business has any excuse for not answering all emails within 24 hours with a quality response.

If a company hasn't figured out by now that the Internet...more specifically social networking sites...is where their buyers are getting most of their information, and that about 40% of all commerce is now conducted electronically, then they're WAY behind the curve and probably on the way out.

Unfortunately, there are a LOT of companies in the fly fishing industry like that. But there are some that are right up there on the cutting edge of info tech, too. We'll see who is left standing in a few more years if the old dawgs don't learn some new tricks.

THE standard of customer service for email is a 24-hour response time.
I totally agree with this. There are quite a few one man operations out there also that seem to have no trouble at all getting back to you in a very timely manner via email, shipping stuff out, and doing anything else related to their business. I've done practically all of my purchases regarding fly fishing or tying through the internet.

No or slow responses to emails, super long wait times for products ordered, or never receiving what you had ordered just doesn't cut it if you want to stay in business in this day and age. Just one example that I've had was with a trout shop that used to be located in Avis, PA. His catalog had all kinds of fly tying stuff that you couldn't easily get, or get at all from other places. I'd call in an order since a lot of places then didn't have cart systems. It would take weeks to receive the order and I'm the next state north of him! He went out of business years ago.
