I have been sitting back and thinking about how to respond to this as well. First off, I don't believe that Lotech ever said that he was going to approach anglers on the water and attempt to preach to them. He said that he wanted to provide a place to discuss God around the campfire. I do not see anything wrong with that.

As others have said, the tent is way over the top and would probably scare many people. A simple cross on the side of the tent would be sufficient. A small sign that said "Friends Welcome" or something like that would also be good. If you are set up in a campground you could meet many hikers, photographers and others that would be interested in talking with you.

The fly rod idea...I just do not like that at all. It seems as though you are trying to buy people for Jesus. Your intentions are good, but I just do not see how it will help the overall end of your plan. People who are seriously looking for spiritual help won't need a free fly rod and people who are looking for a free fly rod probably wont be seeking spirituality from you. If you really want to give something out, why not print up some stickers that your visitors could place on their cars or trucks.

Anyways, good luck with whatever you decide to do.
