Hi Lotech,

The idea you are presenting is a good one and is a great way to introduce people to the Lord. Like a couple of other replys that you have gotten here, I think you may be going way overboard with your advertisment. I think the Christian Fish symbol would be plenty and might even spark some interest from people who would normally not come near. As far as giving out fly rods to people, once the word got out that there was a guy at the river giving out free fly rods you would have a line up a mile long and not for the right reason. I think the idea of the fly tying at a table over a coffee would be of interest to alot of people.
I am a board member of a Christian Camp and I know we try to do exactly what you are trying to do. You are heading in the right direction. We will keep you in our prayers. [url=http://canoecovechristiancamp.org/index.shtml:3bbc2]http://canoecovechristiancamp.org/index.shtml[/url:3bbc2]

Alan (salmonguy)