Your plan very clearly shows your love and devotion to Christ and your willingness to carry on His work. I think you should give this a try and follow your heart and what He tells you, I'm just not sure how many people you will find willing to take advantage of your offerings. I would think that most people that are willing to share the word with you will already have a New Testament, (at least at home). Just be prepared for a difficult journey. Many people feel that religion is a somewhat privite matter and will be reluctant to discuss thier beliefs with strangers for fear of someone trying to force their beliefs on to them. For several years before I retired, I belonged to a bible study at work that consisted of very close co-workers from different Christian religions; everything from staunch Southern Baptists to Roman Catholics. You would not believe the emotions that surfaced between friends. Some even stopped attending bible study because they did not want to hear views from other religions. All of these people are still remain close friends, but religion is personal and discussions can become emotional. I would be very careful about handing out rods to people who don't have one. I find that VERY few people go fishing without a fishing rod, unless of course they borrowed one for the trip. Unfortunatly, there are people that would gladly take advantage of your generosity by accepting as many rods as you would give them. All this being said, I think what you're trying to do is admirable. Perhaps you could start small and just have some New Testaments, a welcoming smile and a large pot of coffee by your fire and take it from there. I do believe that you'll find people to share the Word, but the people you're looking to add to His flock may be afraid of sounding ignorant by their lack of bible knowledge, so just take it slow at first. I will pray that you are successful in your endeavor and please keep us posted on how it goes.

Take care and God Bless.

Jim Smith