Archimedes most famous quote "Give me a lever long enough, and a place on which to rest it, and I will move the world."

What does Archimedes and JC's column in Advance Casting have in common? Has to do with the laws of Physics!

When the wrist flip-flops during the cast, the caster loses the fulcrum (pivot point), which gives the caster the benefit of the lever (fly rod in this case).

If you are wearing a long-sleeved shirt while casting, stick the end of the reel seat inside the shirt cuff. Now cast, it may seem awkward. By doing this little step, you created a fulcrum, which will allow the fly rod to transfer all the energy of the casting arm to the fly line.

Because of Severe Tendonitis, I have very little arm strenght for casting, so I need my fulcrum.
