fcch, I got a few of those weird looks myself.

JC, good article and timely for me. I've been concentrating on keeping the reel in line with the rod and the casting stroke lately. It does take a bit of concentration though, and I was wondering if it's because of the way our wrists are made and how we learned a throwing motion with a breaking wrist.

One's wrist has much more power and range when moved up and down (baseball throw) instead of side to side (dart throw). So a natural tendency to break your wrist and twist the reel out is common. I caught myself slipping into doing that, and it makes a mess out of a cast.

You're right (of course you knew that) about having more power when the reel stays in line. After all, you're using the strongest side of the rod (if the guides were placed properly) instead of your arm and wrist to generate the cast.
