
Oh man, ... Pike, ... In June !!

Where ?? You could be in for some serious fun. The lunkers and trophies are typically taken in the late spring or early summer just after spawning.

After that, a BIG pike is more of an exception as they will "prefer" to eat BIG meals ... less often.

An 8wt should be fine if you like to cast it. Big flies mean big lines. Can cast comfortably mice on a 8 wt line. I still like to taper my leaders. I use long leaders, but its really not necessary. Tapered from 40lb down to 25 on a 20lb tippet. I don't use wire leaders, but I strike fast and only fish for pike in the weeds with dries. (so I'll usually hook in the "lip" or "hinge" just like a trout.

Favorite imitations for me,... mice & frogs.

Don't forget long nose hook retrievers, don't put your fingers in the eyes and watch out for that last sprint when the monsters gets boats side.

Christopher Chin
Jonquiere Quebec

[This message has been edited by fcch (edited 02 January 2006).]