We, too, are going in June....Wignes Lake Lodge. Second trip, so what we say, you may want to take with a grain of salt....a BIG grain.
We tossed a 9wt and a 10wt. On the 9wt we used a 30' LC shooting head. On the 10wt we used a WF12F. We tossed some large bugs comfortably with these set-ups. A GOOD 8wt would serve you just fine also.
We tossed ONE popping bug on some 80# bite tippet to ONE fish. That's it! The fish took the bug and left. After that we used wire on every thing. We took a spool of American Fishing Wire and a spool of Tyger Wire. The Tyger Wire is danged expensive and STILL kinks. It may be just a bit easier to tie knots in and just a bit more supple...BUT
it STILL kinks. Not worth the extra IMHO.
We tossed MOSTLY a 4" Embellished Deceiver of our own concoction and did well on the pike AND the lakers. Ciscos seemed the main food base for this lake at this time.....? We tied a popper head on a tube to use with this bug when top-water was wanted.

We are tying a lot more bugs on tubes this year to see if we can get over 25 fish on a bug. I think pliers are more detrimental to the bugs than the pike's teeth.....maybe?
.....lee s.