The 'direction' you spiral the guides can matter...

Depends on the rod's intended use.

I wrapped lots of these before I converted to the one true faith and became a fly fisherman...all of the ones I wrapped were for freshwater bass fishermen...they needed the spiraling guides to be on the same side as their reel handles, so the rod would lay flat on the boat deck. This changed sometimes, of course, since some folks used right hand retrieve reels, and some of us used left hand retrieve reels. Except for that, it doesn't matter as far as rod performance goes.

There is much debate as to how many guides to 'use' to make the transition....I've seen it done in two, three is the 'norm' and some guys like to use four and even five 'guides not lined up right' to get the line under the blank (where it belongs and wants to go anyway).

It may look 'odd' but it's the only way to get maximum performance from a casting rod blank.

Obviously it's not an issue with a fly rod.
