Bass bug your correct. The term "acid wrap" got that name because of a west coast builder (can't remember his name off hand) whom did the wrap and comments such as "was he on acid when he wrapped this thing?" So thats where the term acid wrap came from. The website/shop Acidrods most likely named themselves after the wrap rather than the other way around because I don't believe the shop has been around anywhere near as long as the wrap has.

The direction of the spiraling of the guides doesn't really matter. The main goal is just to get the line inverted coming from underneath the rod) so that the natural torque of the casting reel set up is taken out of the picture. It's a really weird looking way to wrap a rod, but for a casting rod it helps out a LOT thats for sure.

BTW I feel your pain about wrapping those 1 pc rod Gotta get yourself a couple stantions to help support that jig
