Hi Martin,
For what it's worth, here's my take.

Go to each of the waters where you intend to use this watercraft and observe what type of craft, including the make and model that the anglers are using. Inquire into their reasoning and choices. Chances are that one or two types and sizes of craft will far outnumber all others you'll see there and you'll get a good look at the accessory set ups that are most common for those waters.
Those anglers went through the selection process, possibly even a long and costly trial and error process and amongst the more seasoned anglers, there will be a body knowledge that already exist about which craft best suits those waters and fishing techniques. It might not be a bad idea to bring along your waders and whatever foot gear that you have that might be suitable to these craft. Many anglers would be glad to let you take a little test ride in their craft if they think your sincerely interested. ( ...and I'd bet that every respondent to this thread would let you take a test spin in their's, if it were possible. )

If that's not possible, check in with fly fishing bulletin boards or fly clubs that target those same fishing areas, or for that matter, talk to people here who fish the same waters you intend to fish, they'll have a better feel for your home waters. But the best info you'll get will be that which you gather through your own on the spot observations and interviews.

Best, Dave