It's not in wide circulation. Some of the fly shops in Michigan have it but I get mine in the mail. I won a subscription in a raffle this year. It is not a large publication so you don't get 70-80 pages of glossy ads with a couple of articles. You get 40 pages with more quality articles packed in with less ads ...probably some of the best articles I've seen in any FF publication. The really nice thing is that all of the articles pertain to stuff I want and can use from a FF mag. Things that cover my fishing area...the Midwest. I don't particularly like paying for magazines that MIGHT give me one article I can use with others going to salt water, global travel (not going to happen for me), high end resorts or other waters I'll most likely never get to see. The other cool thing is that I've met almost all of the featured writers at one time or another and some I can call friends.

I'm for sure going to continue getting it, when my current subscription runs out.