Quote Originally Posted by flyguy66 View Post
QT makes movies that are WAY outside the lines and have been wildly successful at the box office. With all the cookie cutter crap coming out of Hollywood for the past 20 years now, he's a breath of fresh air...bizarre fresh air, but fresh air nonetheless. And his hallmarks are an overload of gratuitous violence, fast-paced pithy "black comedy" humorous dialogue, and outrageous characters. His films are pure fiction, not historical fiction or documentaries. He's an artist. So not everyone is going to like them. I could do with less gore, myself. But I applaud his artistic courage and individuality in an industry that has become risk averse and addicted to sequels.

I haven't seen this one yet. And I don't usually go to the theater to watch movies. The last time we did was a matinee to see Taken. I have to add my two thumbs up to that one! Best action movie my wife and I have seen in a LONG time. No BS. Very realistic and believable characters, plot, and choreographed fight scenes. Everyone we know in the intel biz, military, and law enforcement (and the number is very large) loved this movie. That's why we went to the theater to see it. Anyway...

If you compare a QT film set in WW2 to Saving Private Ryan or Hogan's Heroes, you're not going to like his work. He's more like Stanley Kubric on a mixture of crack cocaine and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Before anyone attacks and says, TARANTINO MADE A SEQUEL!...He in fact, did not. He was forced by the studio to release Kill Bill in two parts. He wanted to put out a 4 hours + film all at once and they wouldn't let him. You can tell pretty easily that it was written as one if you watch them.