Drawing winners are picked just after the end of the month.
The drawing winners have been notified, but in the case of the earlier drawing there was a question as to if the winner could make the trip or not.

These 2 drawings were fabulous prizes, but a bit trickier than most. They were guided trips, and the winners had a year or so to claim the prize. But there are a lot of logistics on the winner's part so they understandably take much longer to post a winner.

The next drawing (the Sage 99) will be MUCH easier to deal with as it is a simple matter of contacting the winner for which rod to have shipped.

Well, unless I can magically become a non FAOL staffer, and find a way to make me win anyway All these prizes are way too cool. But give the winners a little slack on the ones that need the winner to check availability of vacations, funds to get there, etc..

I'll post the winners as soon as everyone is onboard with the details, and the names are given to me.

Thanks for your patience.