UNI thread is polyester, so that means the thread will absorb water, and become water logged, if not sealed after furling....

Danville thread is nylon, and does not absorb water.....

UNI polyester thread does not stretch before breaking, but Danvile nylon thread stretches before breaking.

I use UNI polyester thread for my furled leaders, to eliminate as much streaching in the furled leader (when under tension) as possible.

I also seal my furled leaders theads, with a dip in a container of varnish, then hang them to dry and harden. I wipe all excess varnish on the surface of the furled leader off, using a rag dampened with varnish. This removes any heavy varnish buildup on the surface, and will give the finished furled leader a smooth finish.

The varnish, penetrates to the core of the furled leader, and helps bond all the threads, helping the whole furled leader to transfer the energy of the cast and fly presentaion. The vanish gives the furled leader some backbone for a better cast also.

I use my own formula, and you just need to give me your loop sequece and length (s) I will crunch the numbers.

I will give you a furled leader that is completely balanced, with a parabolic taper.

Send your request to parnelli@comcast.net
Subject Line: Furled Leaders